Improving Housing Can Pay Dividends In Better Health

Posted on: March 3, 2015

A story broadcast on NPRTerraza Palmera discussing the correlation between improved housing and better health features Terraza Palmera at St. Joseph’s and Potrero HOPE SF Master Plan.

Faiza Ayesh giggles with delight as she describes her brand-new two-bedroom apartment in Oakland, Calif. She shares her home with her husband and three little girls, ages 3, 2 and 5 months. Ayesh, 30, says she just loves being a stay-at-home mom. “It’s the best job in the world.”

Across the bay in San Francisco, another mother, Uzuri Pease-Greene, shares a two-bedroom apartment in a public housing complex with her husband, two daughters and granddaughter. What worries Pease-Greene, 49, the most about their situation is the health of her 4-year-old granddaughter, who has asthma. Marijuana and crack laced cigarette smoke seep into the apartment, including the bedroom where her granddaughter sleeps.

The girl’s asthma has gotten so severe she had to be hospitalized three times. But that might soon change. The nonprofit group Bridge Housing, which builds subsidized housing for low income individuals and families, plans to tear down the buildings and develop a whole new neighborhood. Pease-Greene, who works for Bridge Housing as a junior community builder, is hopeful that it won’t just deliver clean, working apartments but also a neighborhood where it’s more difficult for drug dealers to openly sell drugs.

Read the full article here.

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