Posted on: February 22, 2023
Project location was part of prior Housing Element
Uploaded: Wed, Feb 22, 2023, 5:29 am 0

An artist rendering of the proposed 360-unit apartment project to be developed at the Stoneridge Shopping Center. (Image courtesy City of Pleasanton)
The Pleasanton Planning Commission is set to review and possibly endorse the final design plans for a mixed-use apartment complex and parking structure at Stoneridge Shopping Center property during Wednesday’s commission meeting.
According to the commission’s agenda report, the 5-1/2-story complex would consist of 360 apartment units and would total approximately 618,370 square feet in size and 65 feet in height.
Even though the project exceeds the number of stories that is allowed in Pleasanton’s housing design standards and guidelines, an exception was requested pursuant to state housing density bonus law.
“The building comprises 360 apartment units ‘wrapped’ around an internal five-level parking structure and includes two ground-level outdoor courtyard-style spaces, which include a mix of common use passive outdoor space and recreational uses (playgrounds, swimming pool, etc.), and one common use roof-top deck area,” the city staff report states.
The project would be built across six acres located between Stoneridge Shopping Center, the new 10x Genomics campus project to the south across Stoneridge Mall Road and offices to the east across Stoneridge Mall Road.
New parking structure that is being proposed along with the five-story building — the structure would consist of 473 surface and parking structure vehicle spaces. Seven of the spaces would be surface level and 466 spaces would be located within the parking structure, according to the report.
The project is not a part of Pleasanton’s current sixth Housing Element cycle — the project actually dates back to January 2012.
Back then, the Pleasanton City Council approved the rezoning of nine sites throughout the city for high-density multifamily development in order to meet its 2015-2023 Regional Housing Needs Allocation.
Originally, the project was going to build close to 500 units at the site before city staff proposed a mixed-use plan that brought the number of units down to the current 360.
The goal for the project is to redevelop the existing underperforming units retail site and underutilized surface parking into affordable, high-density housing that is close to transit and employment opportunities.
“Staff believes the proposed site plan and positioning of the buildings are appropriate for the subject property,” according to the agenda report. “The applicant has included an adequate amount of usable open space and landscaped areas within the project, as well as areas for circulation and gathering that will improve the connectivity and functionality of the portion of the mall and make better use of an underutilized parking field.”
If the Planning Commission gives the project the green light, it will then send it off to the City Council for final approval at a later council meeting.
The Planning Commission meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday (Feb. 22). The full agenda can be accessed here.
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