Big news: Tim Van Meter is retiring

Posted on: November 16, 2021

We have big news.

Tim Van Meter, a founder of Van Meter Williams Pollack, is beginning a new adventure which some might call retirement but Tim calls an “Activation”. Tim will begin his “Activation” with several passion projects that will become his primary focus in 2022, mainly building his jungle hideout in Sayulita, Mexico with his wife Hilda and pursuing local non digital projects that combine the essence of everything he has done for the last 32 years with Van Meter Williams Pollack, namely; sustainability, local perspective and inclusivity.

Why activate now? In Tim’s words, “Frankly, because I can. VMWP is now 32 years old and is cruising along at multiple best years and is in solid hands including new emerging leaders for a prosperous and sustainable future.” For all of you who are familiar with the VMWP Denver office that Tim currently heads, you know our emerging leaders in Denver are Brett Jacques and Lauren Daley.

Referring to VMWP’s three decades of work, Tim says, “VMWP is an amazing collective that has surpassed my expectations; not only do we do critically important work, but our best work, everyday, every year. I have deep pride in being one of the founders of this amazing firm and even more pride in that it has become more than any of us ever conceived of in 1989.”

While this transition has been in the forecast for some time, it will be hard to fill the void that will be left by Tim Van Meter while he is “activating”. Brett Jacques and Lauren Daley will step into this role with the insightful leadership they have been providing in Denver for years. We are fortunate to have their guidance, leadership and creativity to offer continuity in all our work and even more to shape the future of the Denver office. From the rest of us in the VMWP family we will be supporting Brett and Lauren and the entire Denver crew from our other outposts in San Francisco and Minneapolis.

In the meantime, we will  follow Tim and his many future adventures-  whether surfing, skiing, or perfecting the margarita.

So get ready for much more news to come. AND Cheers to “Activation”

Fred Pollack, Rick Williams, Karen Murray, and all of us at VMWP!

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Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP